Charlotte Bobcats love

Charlotte Bobcats


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  • Michael Jordan spoke confidently in late October, insisting that despite key personnel losses in the offseason, his Charlotte Bobcats were a "better off team than we were last year" and should "at minimum, make the playoffs."

    The Seattle Times 2010

  • Michael Jordan spoke confidently in late October, insisting that despite key personnel losses in the offseason, his Charlotte Bobcats were a "better off team than we were last year"

    The Seattle Times 2010

  • Michael Jordan spoke confidently in late October, insisting that despite key personnel losses in the offseason, his Charlotte Bobcats were a "better off team than we were last year" and should "at minimum, make the playoffs." rss feed 2010

  • After he took time Tuesday to meet members of the Celtics while in Boston, the president Wednesday will host members of Congress and others at the White House to watch the NBA game between the Charlotte Bobcats and the Chicago Bulls, Obama's favorite team.

    Obama economic adviser adopts classroom style to explain policies 2011

  • After he took time Tuesday to meet members of the Celtics while in Boston, the president Wednesday will host members of Congress and others at the White House to watch the NBA game between the Charlotte Bobcats and the Chicago Bulls, Obama's favorite team.

    Obama economic adviser adopts classroom style to explain policies 2011

  • In Saturday's "large group" session, there was a new face—Charlotte Bobcats owner and NBA legend Michael Jordan .

    NBA's Labor Negotiations Hit New Roadblock Kevin Clark 2011

  • During Wednesday night's game between the Phoenix Suns and Charlotte Bobcats, the Suns mascot and entertainers performed some wild dunking tricks with the use of a trampoline.

    Phoenix Suns Entertainer Jumps Through Basket (VIDEO) Michael Klopman 2011

  • Lin's rise is so irresistible it would have been news anywhere, but we can presume there would have been lighter fuss if Lin had come off the bench and overhauled, say, the Charlotte Bobcats.

    What Linsanity Says About New York 2012

  • At a recent Charlotte Bobcats' fantasy camp, 48-year-old NBA legend Michael Jordan gave the fans in attendance quite a treat.

    Michael Jordan Dunks: 48-Year-Old Legend Still Able To Throw It Down (VIDEO) 2011

  • After he took time Tuesday to meet members of the Celtics while in Boston, the president Wednesday will host members of Congress and others at the White House to watch the NBA game between the Charlotte Bobcats and the Chicago Bulls, Obama's favorite team.

    Obama economic adviser adopts classroom style to explain policies 2011


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